Combined with the recovery package and tailored specifically to your needs, this massage aims at promoting rest, an element of recovery that is often overlooked.
Massage is a very personal experience and no two massages are the same. Designed specifically to your personal needs, combining different massage techniques with varying levels of pressure in targeted areas, this massage is the perfect accompaniment to the recovery package.
At the RRR we believe that breathwork is important across all activities. Remembering to breathe in stressful situations can be very difficult for some so our massages practice gentle breathwork at the start of all our treatments, encouraging our bodies to slow down, embrace rest and enhancing the recovery process.
These skills you can be taken with you into your mountain activity. After all, remembering to breathe at the top of a scary ski or bike piste can make a huge difference in performance.
Massage away all of your aches and pains
Massage is one part of all of our Recharge Packages